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"photography is a lonely pursuit..." - Another post in Bruce Percy's blog, that I feel describes pretty much what I feel about photography and a series of other areas in life…
Since I can remember I've always had a tendency to enjoy my own company… A series of coincidences lead me to travel alone for a long time even before taking photography seriously…
It has been a while (several months) since I wrote the previous paragraphs… Today while riding alone in the rain I told myself I had to finish this…
Whenever you push the envelope beyond whatever is felt normal by the average society you're left alone… Landing in burning political situations at work... Riding at the head of a peloton facing the wind and telling yourself that the ride has just began when everybody has gone home... Or even lying in an isolated beach, looking at the stars and hoping to get another star trail image…
Certainly these situations will result in images that awe you your friends and stories that may draw some interest or even inveigh, but the truth is there's much more behind a nice image or adventure story than just doing it out of nothing…
"welcome back from you vacation!..." - A common statement I get whenever I come back to the office after a business trip...
Sadly, the main purpose of my trips is not photography, mountain biking or any adventurous activities... Sometimes I have time for myself, most times I don't... Sometimes I'm lucky and I'm able to take advantage of the phew moments I have, most times I'm crashed by pressure and come back home without much...