Saturday, September 30, 2006

“You have two choices: you can suffer and not be able to walk much during your holydays or you can go into surgery now, suffer for one week and still having some quality time afterwards”… - The diagnostic looked clear. Two days before leaving for my trip to the Canadian Rockies I decided to ask another doctor regarding the problem I was having in my left foot… And yes, I opted for the surgery option…

Two days after the surgery I go trough the 14 hour trip that separates Lisbon from Vancouver with five stitches on the foot and a full arsenal of pills, band aids and bistouries… Other than this, everything goes ok: We are able to go through London Heathrow with our camera equipment, no luggage is lost, we have almost no problem with the car rental, the car is super, we can fit everybody’s luggage in, the hotel is ok, but the rain does not stop falling…

We finally welcomed the first sunny day when traveling towards Jasper National Park...

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