Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"Where are you going on hollydays???" - This is one of the most common questions people ask each other during this time of the year...

As time goes by, my mindset goes more on the lines of: "where would you go if this was your last trip"... At the same time something inside tells me that I should be happy enough because i already traveled more that most people I know... And I just made it back from 6 weeks outside the office...

The conflict becomes even harder when I face the evidence that I've already been to most of the easy and comfortable places one can remember about, so now I'm left with the remaining 95% of the world that is not so documented and that will take some time to get ready for...

Questions come and go and usually go back to: "where do I start?..."

1 comment:

**** said...

Start from the beginning. There should be a good starting point.
No matter where or how, just as long you feel it and appreciate it.

Dutch people have this saying (kind of): If you don't appreciate what is little, how will you know how to appreciate bigger things?

Keep on track of that horizon... the world will keep on rolling and shows will always go on too.

Go on.