Wednesday, February 18, 2009

"are you sure you want to go that way?" - A fellow moutian biker asked me if I really wanted to go back home alone through a muddy region...

This is another question that comes in from time to time... In photography and mountain biking, whenever we choose to take an alternative path on our own we risk to at least get sunk in mud or covered with snow...

Questions asked are more than answers rigth now... I've been practicing for longer than I can remember and the competition is still to far away... The last days look like time is stuck somewhere and the rithm is difficult to keep up with... Next week I'll have to stop in order to travel back to the Poconos without room for a quick escape to Rickets Glen...

Heck... Time will move on... And so will I...

1 comment:

**** said...


Time moves on.
And so must we...