Monday, December 04, 2006

"i'm surprised that with so many expensive cameras at the company event, the pictures aren't any good!!!..." - My boss comments his perceived quality of the pictures taken at our annual company event...

Where we talking about cars, this would sound something like: "you have a Ferrari, why can't you drive faster than the rest of the crowd inside a traffic jam?"...

There's an annoying barrier between passionate and normal people in understanding that photography has different meanings rather than the common jargon of "capturing a moment" or worse than that "capturing reality"...

Generically, and risking being to critic, sometimes I feel that for normal people, photography is something you do with a camera... Whereas for someone passionate photography can be about experiencing the dance of nature and ligtht during their best moments, touching the invisible, discovering movement in the world's smallest details, feeling invisible in the middle of a crowd, discover someone's story, breaking limits...

Good equipment and sharp technical skills will probably get you nice pictures... You'll also get really bad ones, this is the way things go... Put passion into the equation and the experience will take you closer to yourself and far away from how good you camera is... Most probably 99,9% of your pictures will still suck... But what the heck! You'll be there for experiencing the world and when you do so you'll find out how 0,1% of your time may become timeless...

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