Tuesday, December 19, 2006

"you should go hide..." - a wise voice from overseas suggests that a cottage somewehere near a lake in northern Ontario would be a bigger help than a jumbo sized cup of coffe...

I wrote and deleted this post serveral times... Every sentence I write sounds like something that I said before... I'm repeating myself when I say I'm tired and really need a trip out of here in order to get back to myself...

There are promisses that 2007 will start wildelly with a series of trips... The perspective sounds too far away to be real, but it's what I have for now...

Sometimes I think to myself I should grow up and get out of these traveling fantasies, but staying at home for too long is like cutting the fuel that makes me run after more and more experiences and story telling immages...

1 comment:

Sandrinha said...

You should go... live the fantasies!
